
Life is precious, and it must be protected. This is precisely why the Committee on Public Affairs of the Kentucky Baptist Convention has prayerfully launched the “Friends of Life KY” initiative as a formal way to mobilize Kentucky Baptists to support pregnant women and speak up for the unborn.

The initiative is being directed by the Friends of Life KY Advisory Council which is composed of pregnancy care center directors, public health care professionals, Kentucky Baptist leaders and local pastors.

Months of prayerful strategizing birthed the Friends of Life KY initiative, which aims to raise awareness of the issues that threaten the sanctity of life, develop ways for believers to advocate on behalf of the unborn and provide opportunities for churches and individuals to take action in promoting the welfare and protection of the unborn.

While Friends of Life Kentucky will focus on awareness, advocacy and action in KBC churches, the ultimate goal is an end to elective abortion in the state. There are countless ways Kentucky Baptists can get involved in this initiative even now. Pray, educate, and speak on behalf of the unborn in your church and community.

For more on this, read this article.

Our focus will be on issues such as abolishing elective abortion, partnership with pregnancy support centers, supporting foster care and adoptive initiatives and families, and more.

Vicki Boles
Linda Cooper
Benita Decker
Andrew Dyer
Jim Ewing
Nicole Farley
Kay Hammond
Karisa Peterson
Teresa Purichia
Garnetta Smith
Stacey Young